MATLAB: I have a problem about below question. Cab anybody help me?

matlab function

Write a function called peri_sum that computes the sum of the elements of an input matrix A that are on the “perimeter” of A. In other words, it adds together the elements that are in the first and last rows and columns. Note that the smallest dimension of A is at least 2, but you do not need to check this. Hint: do not double count any elements!
My answer is ;
function sumofthelements = peri_sum(A)
sumofthelements = A(1,1) + A(1,end) + A(end,1) + A(end,end);
I know that I calculate corner sum but I didn't calculate perimeter of A matrix

Best Answer

You have only the sum of the four corners of the matrix. Hint: A(1,:) is a vector consisting of the top row elements of A. How can you use it? What about the other parts of the perimeter?
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