MATLAB: I have a plot that I set to a black background and yellow square points. When I publish the script, the plot has a white background. How to ensure the published document has the same plot as the script

MATLAB Report Generatorplotpublishsubplot

figure subplot(211),plot(t,x4Q),axis([tstart tend 0 240]) ,grid; xlabel('Time (sec)');ylabel('Amplitude'); title('Quantized Amplitude') tbQ(end)=[]; subplot1 = subplot(2,1,2); hold(subplot1,'on');
plot(1:length(xvQm),xvQm,'Parent',subplot1,… 'MarkerFaceColor',[1 1 0],'MarkerSize',2,… 'Marker','square',… 'LineStyle','none',… 'Color',[1 1 0]); xlabel('Time (scaled)');ylabel('Amplitude (scaled)'); title('Quantized Amplitude and Time – zoh') xlim(subplot1,[1 320]); ylim(subplot1,[1 240]); box(subplot1,'on'); grid(subplot1,'on'); set(subplot1,'Color',[0 0 0],'GridColor',… [0.941176470588235 0.941176470588235 0.941176470588235]);

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