MATLAB: I have a n X 2 matrix, but I want remove the points with a distance smaller than a threshold. And the data is random, which means the data position may be very far in the matrix but their distance is very close. Can anyone help me

eliminating close points in matrix

I have a n X 2 matrix, but I wanna remove the points with a distance smaller than a threshold. And the data is random, which means the data position may be very far in the matrix but their distance is very close. Can anyone help me with an algorithm to deal with it?

Best Answer

dataOut = uniquetol(dataIn, tolerance, 'ByRows', true);
Above code should be a good starting point. In this case it would be 1-norm distance between points against given tolerance. Check uniquetol documentation for more information.
While it is not "Euklidean" 2-norm distance, in many cases should be good enough and it's very simple workaround.
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