MATLAB: I have a microscope image with three channels (RED, GREEN and BLUE), each channel is unit 16 intensity image. I want to show each channel in a subplot (1,3), but in their color form (RGB). I figured it out that with the following command, I can all

grayscale intensity into rgbImage Processing Toolbox

I have a microscope image with three channels (RED, GREEN and BLUE), each channel is unit 16 intensity image. I want to show each channel in a subplot (1,3), but in their color form (RGB). I figured it out that with the following command, I can all channels into one RGB image, but I want to show each channel in one subplot.
Is there anyway to show/convert my intensity grayscale images into RGB format? I also found that following line can show each channel in RGB format but the output image is not adjusted and also I cannot adjust the output of following code by imadjust because it's not grayscale anymore:
red_IM = cast(cat(3, RED, zeros(size(RED)), zeros(size(RED))), class(RED));
I would appreciate if you could help me. Thanks

Best Answer

You have the separate color channel images already. You can show them with imshow(). You can apply colormaps with colormap(). You can convert to RGB image with cat(3) like you did. You can use imadjust() on the separate color channels before cat() if you want.