MATLAB: I have a matrix, I want all values inside the matrix greater than 2*pi to be subtracted by 2*pi. All values less than 0 to have 2*pi be added to them. Other terms stay constant.

matrix manipulation

I have a matrix, I want all values inside the matrix greater than 2*pi to be subtracted by 2*pi, all values less than 0 to have 2*pi be added to them. Other terms stay constant as they are.
I have tried code below, but it does nothing. (I tried to change the theta4 > 2pi, then theta4 = 0 and nothing happened to my graph, althought some values are clearly above 0)
Theta4 is my matrix "[1×111] double" with "random" numbers.
I am not an expert in matlab, and some explination would be great.
if theta4 > 2*pi
theta4 = theta4 - 2*pi;
elseif theta4 < 0
theta4 = theta4 + 2*pi ;
theta4= theta4 ;

Best Answer

Theta4 = mod(Theta4,2*pi);