MATLAB: I have a matrix eg [1,6,3], and i have a 31*1 cell array ,each element of cell is a matrix. My problem is i wants to extract matrix from the cell position {1*1},{6*1},{3*1} and to be stored all these in separate matrices.

extract particular element of a cellMATLABstoring in a matrix

I use the loops and values ​​but I can not seperate and store each iteration values ​​as matrices please help me for this problem
Cell Assigned_P = (31 * 1)

Best Answer

E.g., is this what you want?
c = your 31x1 cell array
v = your vector of indexes, e.g. [1,6,3]
result = c(v); % extract the cell elements according to the indexes in v
Not sure why you want the results in separate variables. It is much simpler to access the results as simply result{1}, result{2}, and result{3}, etc.