MATLAB: I have a data of binary format. i.e the data is stored in .dat file format. How to open these files in MatLab and then ve to find the pentad average of these data.

.dat filebinary data

I have a data of binary format. i.e the data is stored in .dat file format. How to open these files in MatLab and then ve to find the pentad average of these data and prepare another file for these pentad average data. Is it possible to do statistical calculations of .dat files in MatLab?

Best Answer

What you need to do is open the dat file, read out the data, then process that data.
fid = fopen(filename,'r'); % open the file for read access
data(1) = fread(fid,1,'*uint8'); % read a single 8 bit integer from the file.
dat = fread(fid,1000,'*uint16'); % read a 1000 16 bit integer from the file.
fclose(fid); % close the file.
I don't know the format of the file. You need to apply that knowledge to make sure you read it right.