MATLAB: I have a column(29,1) and each cell has 4 digits. I want to remove first 2 digits from each cell

removing/extracting digits from a column

I have a column(29,1) numeric array and each cell has 4 digits. I want to remove first 2 digits from each cell. for example i have 2123;2156….and i want 23;56….
I have tried converting it into cell array and run following loop: for k = 1 : length(key) cellContents = key{k}; % Truncate and stick back into the cell key{k} = cellContents(3:end); end running this i get column of block/square with no digits thanks

Best Answer

There are a couple of ways of doing this. If you just want the values, you could use:
A=(5001:5029).'; % the 29x1 vector

result = mod(A,100); % the result
Otherwise, you could obtain the digits as characters using:
A=(5001:5029).'; % the 29x1 vector
B=num2str(A); % convert to a string
result = B(:,end-1:end); % get the last two digits as a character