MATLAB: I have a cellArray data. Could you tell me how I can extract the first column of this cellArray data without depending any character and number

cell array

cellArray =
'A29G0202 465254.432 4066809.025'
'A29G0008 499252.083 4042876.84'
'A29G0014 494404.625 4047958.526'
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
cellArray 22x1 ... cell
%I want to extract first column of cellArray. (A29G0202, A29G0008, A29G0014)

Best Answer

cellArray ={'A29G0202 465254.432 4066809.025';
'A29G0008 499252.083 4042876.84';
'A29G0014 494404.625 4047958.526'};
a = regexp(cellArray,'^([a-zA-Z]*\d*)*','match');
out = cat(1,a{:});