MATLAB: I have a cell C that has “i” rows. Inside each row, there is another cell with “i” rows, but each row contains a number now. How to make the total sum of all numbers that are in all cells of C

cellcell arraycell arrayscellfunsum

elementos_cons1(all(cellfun(@isempty,elementos_cons1),2), : ) = [];
for k=1:i
for j=1:i
C{k}=cellfun(@sum, B,'UniformOutput', false);
After this, I have C with "i" rows and each row is another cell with "i" rows that contain the result of the operation inside the loop. I want to have the total sum (all cells inside C). I tried like this but it didn't work, D was the same as C:
D{k}=cellfun(@sum, C{k},'UniformOutput', false);
Can someone please help me? This line was supposed to have the sum of each cell in each corresponding row, and after I could use "sum" for D. However, does not work…

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