MATLAB: I have a, b and c. for different values of c i plot a vs b. since it took a lot of time manually to feed in different values of c and run the prog. I used a for loop and used 3d plot. Is there a way by which i can plot using diff color for diff c.

3d plotcolor

I have a, b and c. for different values of c i plot a vs b. since it took a lot of time manually to feed in different values of c and run the prog. I used a for loop and used 3d plot. Is there a way by which i can plot using diff color for diff c.
i used the following commands
i just want multiple scatter plots for different values of 'c'.

Best Answer

theColor = rand(1,3); % Whatever 3 numbers you want between 0 and 1.
plot3(bi(:,1),bi(:,2),bi(:,3),'.b','markersize',1, 'Color', theColor);
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