MATLAB: I have 4 equations and 3 unknowns for trilateration problem. I wanna solve these 3 unknowns from these equation accurately.


x1=475060; y1=1096300; z1=4670;
x2=481500; y2=1094900;z2=4694;
x3=482230;y3=1088430; z3=4831;
x4=478050; y4= 1087810; z4=4775
% ((x-x1)^2)+((y-y1)^2)+((z-z1)^2)=5942.607^2
% ((x-x2)^2)+((y-y2)^2)+((z-z2)^2)=2426.635^2
% ((x-x3)^2)+((y-y3)^2)+((z-z3)^2)=5094.254^2
% ((x-x4)^2)+((y-y4)^2)+((z-z4)^2)=5549.874^2
%these are equations.

Best Answer

You can try FSOLVE. However, it seems unlikely for there to be a 4-way intersection between 4 spheres.
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