MATLAB: I get this error:”This system does not seem to be linear.”


When I try this code for simple pendulum, I get results:
syms pt(t) th(t)
m=1; l=0.5; g=9.81;
e1= diff(th)*(m*l^2)==pt;
e2= diff(pt)==-m*g*l*sin(th);
vars = [pt(t); th(t)];
V = odeToVectorField([e1,e2]);
M = matlabFunction(V, 'vars', {'t','Y'});
interval = [0 5];
y0 = [0; pi/4];
ySol = ode45(M,interval,y0);
tValues = linspace(interval(1),interval(2),1000);
a= deval(ySol,tValues,1)/(m*l^2);
But when I use it for triple pendulum, it gives error. Couldn't solve it. Sorry if it's simple to figure out. Really new here.
syms theta1(t) theta2(t) theta3(t) p1(t) p2(t) p3(t)
m1=1; m2=1; m3=1; l1=1; l2=1;
l3=1; g=9.81; tau1=0; tau2=0; tau3=0;
I1=0; I2=0; I3=0;
e1= diff(theta1)*(I1+(m1+m2+m3)*l1^2)...
e2= diff(theta1)*(m2+m3)*l1*l2*cos(theta1-theta2)+...
e3= diff(theta1)*m3*l1*l3*cos(theta1-theta3)+...
e4= diff(p1)== tau1-tau2-(m2+m3)*diff(theta1)*diff(theta2)*sin(theta1-theta2)...
e5= diff(p2)==tau2-tau3+(m2+m3)*diff(theta1)*theta2*l1*l2*sin(theta1-theta2)...
e6= diff(p3)==tau3+(m3)*diff(theta1)*diff(theta3)*l1*l3*sin(theta1-theta3)...
vars= [theta1(t);theta2(t);theta3(t);p1(t);p2(t);p3(t)];
V = odeToVectorField([e1,e2,e3,e4,e5,e6]);
M = matlabFunction(V,'vars', {'t','Y'});
I have get that error in simple pendulum too, it was pt==diff(th)*(m*l^2), then I put the pt to the end, and it's solved. In triple pendulum I tried leaving diff(theta1) alone didn't work, tried to this code too, but nothing changed. Original equations are:

Best Answer

The product of differentials in your equations (diff(theta1)*diff(theta3), e.g.) makes it impossible to use ODE45.
I don't know if it can be applied directly, but ODE15I is the correct solver to use in this case.
Best wishes