MATLAB: I don’t know how to deal with this ERROR

errors in ode45

Hello, I have an error when using the function ode45
here is my code:
function dY = three_noderepressive(T Y)
kc1 = 0.5;
kc2 = 4 ;
kc3 = 4 ;
kd1 = 1 ;
kd2 = 2;
kd3 = 2 ;
K1 = 0.01;
K2 = 0.005;
K3 = 0.005;
Kd1 = 0.005 ;
Kd2 = 0.005;
Kd3 = 0.005;
At = 1 ;
Bt = 1 ;
Ct = 1 ;
A = Y(1);
B = Y(2);
C = Y(3);
v1 = kc1*(At - A)/(K1 +(At - A)) - kd1*A*C/(Kd1+A);
v2 = kc2*A*(Bt - B)/(K2 +(Bt - B)) - kd2*B/(Kd2+B);
v3 = kc3*B*(Ct - C)/(K3 +(Ct - C)) - kd3*C/(Kd3+C);
dA = -v1;
dB = -v2;
dC = -v3;
dY = [dA dB dC]';
%%Three-node repressive network
timespan = [0 20];
Y0 = [0.5 0.5 0.5];
names = {'Ac','Be','Cd'};
[T,Y] = myode(@three_noderepressive,timespan,Y0,names);
and then i got the ERRORs:
Error in odearguments (line 90)
f0 = feval(ode,t0,y0,args{:}); % ODE15I sets args{1} to yp0.
Error in ode45 (line 115)
odearguments(FcnHandlesUsed, solver_name, ode, tspan, y0, options, varargin);
Error in myode (line 3)
[T,Y] = ode45(dfunc,tspan,Y0);
I don't know why I got these errors and don't know how to deal with that.
Thanks for reading and may helping.

Best Answer

In your first line you have
function dY = three_noderepressive(T Y)
That is not valid syntax for a function declaration. You need a comma between the T and the Y
function dY = three_noderepressive(T, Y)