MATLAB: I don’t get it… Help plotting this on MATLAB

for loop

I can't seem to figure out how to solve this question. I've tried looking at an example and doing it but this has more variables and I'm just not getting the result I'm supposed to.
I've heard that using a for loop would work when incrementing and calculating each values, but it's just too confusing.
Files are attached… Any help would be very much appreciated.
Please and thank you!

Best Answer

Annalise I will try to demonstrate how you may plot a piecewise function. In a similar manner you may plot yours.
Lets assume you have a vector:
x = -10:1:10;
And you have a piecewise function such as f(x) = |x|. This function is defined as:
  • f = |x|, x<0
  • f = 0, x=0
  • f = |x|, x>0
To define the three different intervals of x in Matlab you should this:
s1 = x<0;
s2 = x==0;
s3 = x>0;
To define the values of f in these intervals you should do this:
f(s1) = -x(s1);
f(s2) = 0;
f(s3) = x(s3);
To plot f with stem:
stem(x(s1), y(s1), 'r')
hold on
stem(x(s2), y(s2), 'g')
stem(x(s3), y(s3))
As you see a for loop is not necessary for a piecewise function which is defined on 3 intervals.