MATLAB: I do not have the ‘Editor’ tab available on the Matlab program, is there any way I could display it so I could easily run the code


Hello all,
I'm having the problem of running my code. I have Matlab on my laptop and I recently installed it on my desktop at home. However, some things differ from the programs on my laptop and desktop. My laptop has the following tabs available, 'Home', 'Plots', 'Apps', 'Editor', 'Publish', 'View'. Whereas my desktop only has 'Home', 'Plots', and 'Apps' and I cannot run my code since I don't have all the tabs available, does anybody know how I can get this working on my desktop? Thanks in advance!
-Matlab Newbie

Best Answer

This is how a Ribbon works: the available tabs are context dependent. This means when you do not have a text file open then the editor tab is not shown. This is normal, and is exactly the same as all other software that uses a Ribbon UI.
In MATLAB the ribbon is known as the Toolstrip, and the tabs are called "Contextual Tabs": "As we've seen, global tabs are always present regardless of what you are doing in MATLAB. In addition to global tabs, the Toolstrip also has contexual tabs. Contextual tabs only appear when you're doing certain things in MATLAB. Let's look at the Editor as an example. When you edit a file, three new tabs appear -- the Editor tab, Publish tab, and View tab. If the Editor is docked in the Desktop, those tabs related to the Editor appear next to the global tabs as shown below."
To get the EDITOR tab you need to open a text file: one simple way is to click on the "New Script" button on the "HOME" tab (see how there is no EDITOR tab?):
when you do that the editor will open, and the EDITOR tab will also be shown:
Alternatively you can "Open" an existing Mfile, double click an Mfile in a folder, or use the drop down menu, or type edit filename in the command window. These will also open the editor and show the EDITOR tab.
Summary: the available tabs change and depend on the context and what activity you are currently engaged in. You will find that lots of different tabs appear for other specific activities: e.g. for plotting. Do not panic!