MATLAB: I didnot understand this code i want help stp_w={‘is’,’the’}; f = fopen(‘gg.txt’); I = textscan(f,’%s’,100);% d=I{1}; for(i=1:2) x = strmatch(d(i), stp_w) If x~=1


this is about classify text document

Best Answer

clc; clear all;
stp_w={'is','the'}; % set of strings is and the
f = fopen('gg.txt'); % gg.txt text file is opened
I = textscan(f,'%s',100); % the data in the file is scanned, it scans into cells
d=I{1}; % the first line data from the text file
for(i=1:2) % loop from 1 to 2
x = strmatch(d(i), stp_w) % trying to find wheter is/the exists in first line using strmatch(stringmatch)
If x~=1 % if the word exists, goes inside if
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