MATLAB: I blurred a grayscale image using an average filter and then I am supposed to deblur using an Inverse filter using Constrained Division. Is there a better way to do this

constrained divisionfilter

Hello I need some help. I have to blur a grayscale image using a 5×5 blurring filter. Then I need to attempt to de-blur the result using inverse filtering with constrained division.The error that pops up is this:
Error using ./
Complex integer arithmetic is not supported.
Error in test2 (line 12)
fbw = fftshift(fft2(blur))./bw;
When I blur the image using a butterworth filter it works just fine yet when I blur using the average filter my code won't work. Below is my attempt:
I = imread('buffalo.png');
H = fspecial('average',[5 5]) ;
d = 0.01;
bw = blurred;
bw(find(bw<d)) = 1;
fbw = fftshift(fft2(blur))./bw;
ba = abs(ifft2(fbw));
unb01 = im2uint8(mat2gray(ba));

Best Answer

I think this should work.
bw = double(blurred);
In general, I think you should be using im2double rather than im2uint8. The operations that you are doing require float precision.