MATLAB: I am working code to create the hexagon with a circle in it and to create the random points in hexagon and circle separately.

random circle

i am working on a code to create the hexagon with a circle in it and to create the random points in hexagon and circle separately. please help me how can i create random points in hexagon and circle separately.and they should remain in their boundaries. below is the graph of my code uptil now.

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Here is how I would do it:
hex_ang = linspace(0, 2*pi, 7); % Define Hexagon
crc_ang = linspace(0, 2*pi); % Define Circle
hex_r = 1.0; % Hexagon Radius
crc_r = 0.7; % Circle Radius
hex_xy = [hex_r*cos(hex_ang); hex_r*sin(hex_ang)]; % Hexagon Coordinates
crc_xy = [crc_r*cos(crc_ang); crc_r*sin(crc_ang)]; % Circle Coordinates
all_pts = 1-2*rand(2, 500); % Create Points
crc_ix = inpolygon(all_pts(1,:), all_pts(2,:), crc_xy(1,:), crc_xy(2,:)); % Points In Circle
hex_ix = inpolygon(all_pts(1,:), all_pts(2,:), hex_xy(1,:), hex_xy(2,:)); % Points In Hexagon
hex_in = setdiff(find(hex_ix), find(crc_ix)); % Indices Of Points In Hexagon But Not In Circle
crc_in = crc_ix; % Indices Of Points In Circle
crc_in = [all_pts(1,crc_in); all_pts(2,crc_in)]; % Points In Circle Only
hex_in = [all_pts(1,hex_in); all_pts(2,hex_in)]; % Points In Hexagon Only
plot(hex_xy(1,:), hex_xy(2,:))
hold on
plot(crc_xy(1,:), crc_xy(2,:))
plot(crc_in(1,:), crc_in(2,:), 'cp')
plot(hex_in(1,:), hex_in(2,:), 'mp')
hold off
axis([-1.0 1.0 -1.0 1.0])
axis equal
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