MATLAB: I am using MATLAB 2015a and while running asbQuadcopterStart code i have found that no SDK is installed. I am using windows 10 operating system and have tried many methods to install the sdk but no success. kindly help me

compilerMATLABmatlab 2015aquadcoptersdkwindows 10

Best Answer

MATLAB R2015a is not supported for Windows 10. In particular, getting the SDK to work is the biggest problem. The only approach that has been documented to work is to start with R2015a on an earlier version of MS Windows and upgrade to Windows 10; apparently that will update the libraries in a way that works.
There was a Windows 10 bug fix in the fall that might have repaired the main Microsoft bug that preventing people from getting a working SDK for R2015a, but I have not seen any reports about whether people have succeeded yet.
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