MATLAB: I am using Genetic Algorithm where decision variable are integers. I am getting exitflag 1 with average change in penalty function value. But this is not a optimal solution as other manual solution has objective fuction value compare to this. why.

genetic algorithm

The solution i am getting is not optimal because when i am putting standard value of decision variable i am getting less value of objective function compare to the optimal solution. why is this happening.?

Best Answer

Only linprog and quadprog can promise global minima.
fmincon, fminsearch, ga, patternsearch, particleswarm, simulated annealing, gamultiobj, and all of the techniques such as MultiStart can get stuck in local minima.
The output of ga is seldom the global minima, and might not even be the local minima (the HybridFcn option is there to improve the local minima)