MATLAB: I am unable to create a fuzzy in matlab R2012b using code

fuzzyFuzzy Logic Toolbox

i used the following code to create a fuzzy.
fis = newfis('per');
fis.input(1).name = 'service';
fis.input(1).range = [0 10];
fis.input(1).mf(1).name = 'poor';
fis.input(1).mf(1).type = 'gaussmf';
fis.input(1).mf(1).params = [1.5 0];
fis.input(1).mf(2).name = 'good';
fis.input(1).mf(2).type = 'gaussmf';
fis.input(1).mf(2).params = [1.5 5];
fis.input(1).mf(3).name = 'excellent';
fis.input(1).mf(3).type = 'gaussmf';
fis.input(1).mf(3).params = [1.5 10];
but i am unable to create. does this version support this type of creation?

Best Answer

That code works fine for me in R2012b.
Perhaps you do not have the Fuzzy Logic Toolbox installed, or do not have it licensed.
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