MATLAB: I am trying to read this image, and I don’t know how add a permission.

image acquisitionImage Processing Toolboximreadyou might not have read permission.

figure, imagesc(I),colormap(gray(256)), grid on;
figure,imshow(I),grid on; axis on
Erro mensages:
Error using imread>get_full_filename (line 513)
Cannot open file
"F:\Geep\Permeabilidade\Lâminas\B-DM-4-NS" for reading.
You might not have read permission.
Error in imread (line 340)
fullname = get_full_filename(filename);
Error in Primeira_parte_torabi (line 3)

Best Answer

I would suspect that F:\Geep\Permeabilidade\Lâminas\B-DM-4-NS is a directory, and that you need to tell it which file name inside the directory that you want to read.