MATLAB: I am trying to plot the spline with clamped conditions and I am not sure why it is not letting me plot

MATLABspline with clamped conditions

%% clamped boundary conditions -0.5 to 0.5
t = [160 180 195 225 250 280 300].';
y = [ 78.3 81.4 84.5 85.1 89.3 91.7 94.8].';
cs = spline(t,[-0.5 y 0.5]);
xx = linspace(160,300,50);

Best Answer

%%clamped boundary conditions -0.5 to 0.5
t = [160 180 195 225 250 280 300];
y = [78.3 81.4 84.5 85.1 89.3 91.7 94.8];
cs = spline(t,[-0.5 y 0.5]);
xx = linspace(160,300,50);