MATLAB: I am trying to isolate the userdata associated with a time within a table and create an new table from the rows the of enteries associated with the selected time from the original table

for loopif statementindexingstrcmptable

I am trying to store the if true % Create a sample table ID = [38;43;38;40;49]; Date = {'02/03/2005'; '02/04/2005'; '02/05/2005'; '02/06/2005'; '02/07/2005'}; Time = {'22:00:00-06:00' ; '23:00:00-06:00'; '21:00:00-06:00'; '23:00:00-06:00'; '20:00:00-06:00'}; UserData = [124; 109; 125; 117; 122]; T = table(ID,Date,Time,UserData); A = table; % Iterate through rows of table for i = 1:1:height(T) % Check if first two characters are 23 if strcmp(T.Time{i}(1:2), '23') % Return the rows with 23 to a new table ids1 = find(T.Time(:,1)==23) ; for iii = 1:numel(ids1) A = [A; Tk(ids1(iii),:)]; end disp(i); end end
The string comparison is unable to return the rows into the new table A.

Best Answer

Hi Nichelle,
I understand that your what to copy the rows with time '23:00:00-06:00' to A.
you can do it in the following way:
ID = [38;43;38;40;49];
Date = {'02/03/2005'; '02/04/2005'; '02/05/2005'; '02/06/2005'; '02/07/2005'};
Time = {'22:00:00-06:00' ; '23:00:00-06:00'; '21:00:00-06:00'; '23:00:00-06:00'; '20:00:00-06:00'};
UserData = [124; 109; 125; 117; 122];
T = table(ID,Date,Time,UserData);
ids1 = find(strcmp(T.Time(:,1),'23:00:00-06:00'));%finding all the rows with '23:00:00-06:00'
A = T(ids1,:);%Coppy those row in to A
Hope this help.