MATLAB: I am trying debugg a S function on Visual studio , but I Matlab 2010A cannot locate the visual 2010 compiler , when i do “mex -setup”


I am working on S Functions , need to debug them. Visual Studio 2010 is installed in my 32 bit machine.
When I try to select the compiler on Matalb 2010A with command "mex -setup"
matlab command window gives something like this :
"Please choose your compiler for building external interface (MEX) files: Would you like mex to locate installed compilers [y]/n? y Select a compiler: [1] Lcc-win32 C 2.4.1 in D:\MATLAB~1\sys\lcc [0] None Compiler: "
even tough Visual studio 2010 is installed, matlab cannot locate the compiler is there anything missing in installation ?

Best Answer

Matlab 2010A was launched after Visual studio 2010 , hence visual sudtio didnt had the support for Matlab 2010. They have released a Patch
after installing this I was able to get the compiler on Matlab 2010