MATLAB: I am studying object detection using circular hough transform and I could not understand why this part of a code gives error “??? Undefined function or method ‘circle_hough’ for input arguments of type ‘double’.” Can you please figure out


>> I = imread ('RBC_5.png'); I2= rgb2gray(I); I3= histeq(I2); img= uint8(I3);
figure, imshow(I); figure, imshow(img);
e = edge(img, 'canny'); imshow(e);
radii = 15:1:40; h = circle_hough(e, radii, 'same', 'normalise'); ??? Undefined function or method 'circle_hough' for input arguments of type 'double'.

Best Answer

circle_hough doesn't seem like a MathWorks developed function. There is a file exchange entry you might want to download to access it. Its here. FWIW the built in Image processing Toolbox function to find circles using hough is imfindcircles.
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