MATLAB: I am running tracker code in matlabR2013b, it is working properly. But when i try the same code in MatlabR2015b it is giving following error..not able to debug it..any help..thanks in advance…

matlab figure/setmatlab gui

code :
[fig_h, axes_h, unused, scroll] = videofig(num_frames, @redraw, [], [], @on_key_press); %#ok, unused
set(fig_h, 'Number','off', 'Name', ['Tracker - ' video_path])
axis off;
Errors :
Error using matlab.ui.Figure/set
You cannot set the read-only property 'Number' of Figure.
Error in show_video (line 24)
set(fig_h, 'Number','off', 'Name', ['Tracker - ' video_path])
Error in tracker (line 66)
update_visualization = show_video(img_files, video_path, resize_image);
Error in run_tracker (line 188)
[positions, time] = tracker(video_path, img_files, pos, target_sz, ...
Error in run_tracker (line 101)
[precision, fps] = run_tracker(video, kernel_type, ...

Best Answer

In releases prior to release R2014b graphics handles were double precision numbers but as of release R2014b they are objects. To support referring to figures with numbers, we added a new property named Number to figures in that release.
In older releases, 'Number' referred to the NumberTitle property of the figure window; now it refers to the Number property, which is read-only. To correct the problem, modify your code to use 'NumberTitle' instead of 'Number'.
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