MATLAB: I am not able to integrate heaviside(y-f) for x= 0 to pi/2 and y = 0 to pi/2 (only syms integration “int”). After running the code, output is shown in below and i am not able to get the numerical answer. Can you give some ideas on how to proceed


syms x y
f = sin(x);
integ = int( int(heaviside(y-f), x, 0, pi/2),y, 0, pi/2)
integ =
int(int(heaviside(y – sin(x)), x, 0, pi/2), y, 0, pi/2)

Best Answer

Reverse the order of integration.
>> integ = int( int(heaviside(y-f), y, 0, pi/2),x, 0, pi/2)
integ =
pi^2/4 - 1