MATLAB: I am not able to extract big int from MS sql database using the oledb driver from matlab

problem using the ms sql data base

I am not able to extract big int datatype from MS sql database using the oledb driver from matlab. The return type of big int datatype of ms sql is returned as string and not as an integer after the execution of the query.
I do not want to type cast the returned value or use the str2num func .
Request anyone to please help in this regard.

Best Answer

To get the BIGINT data as INT64 into MATLAB you can retrieve the number as string and then use the attached MEX-file below to convert to INT64.
To retrieve the data as text you could consider changing the actual data format in your database or you could simply include a CAST in your query:
>> setdbprefs('DataReturnFormat','cellarray');
>> conn = database('myDatabase','myUser','myPassword');
>> res = exec(conn,'SELECT CAST(col1 AS VARCHAR) FROM myTable');
>> res = fetch(res);
>> data =;
>> longlong = atoi64(data(:,1))
longlong =
Compile it using:
>> mex atoi64.c
Before using it.
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