MATLAB: I am having problem with the code written below. It is a code for finding stored strain in a polymer. Some of the errors that are coming are index exceeds matrix dimension, matrix dimensions must agree, etc. Kindly help me out.


syms epre et es(T); %stored strain
Tl = 273;
Th = 358;
Tg = 343;
Ei = 813E6; %modulus corresponding to the internal energetic deformation
N = 5.938E26;
K = 1.38E-23; %[J/K] Boltzmann's constant
a = 2.76E-5;
n = 4;
es = zeros(1,100);
epre = .091; %pre-strain under tension
Phif = 1-1./(1+a*(Th-T).^n);
y = diff(Phif,T);
fun = @(T)1.42E-6.*T-3.16E-4;
for T = Tl:Th
Ee = 3*N*K*T;
E = 1./((Phif./Ei)+((1-Phif)./Ee));
et = integral(fun,Th,T);
Des = diff(es);
ode = Des == (epre-es-et)*y.*E./Ee;%writing stored strain as O.D.E
cond = es(Th) == 0; %initial condition for O.D.E
es = dsolve(ode,cond); %solving O.D.E
plot(T/343,es,'.'); hold on

Best Answer

Try this:
syms epre et es(T); %stored strain
Tl = 273;
Th = 358;
Tg = 343;
Ei = 813E6; %modulus corresponding to the internal energetic deformation
N = 5.938E26;
K = 1.38E-23; %[J/K] Boltzmann's constant
a = 2.76E-5;
n = 4;
epre = .091; %pre-strain under tension
Phif = 1-1./(1+a*(Th-T).^n);
y = diff(Phif,T);
fun(T) = 1.42E-6.*T-3.16E-4;
Ee = 3*N*K*T;
E = 1./((Phif./Ei)+((1-Phif)./Ee));
et = int(fun,Th,T);
Des = diff(es);
ode = Des == (epre-es-et)*y.*E./Ee;%writing stored strain as O.D.E
cond = es(Th) == 0; %initial condition for O.D.E
[VF,Sbs] = odeToVectorField(ode)
esfcn = matlabFunction(VF)
Tv = linspace(Tl, Th);
[T,Es] = ode45(esfcn, Tv, 0);
plot(Tv, Es)
xlabel('T (°K)')
This does not give you an analytical solution (that may not actually exist), however it does give you a plot of your result.