MATLAB: I am going to classify multispectral remote sensing image using SVM .

remote sensingStatistics and Machine Learning Toolboxsvm algorithmsvm algorithm with genetic optimization .

I have written a code for classifying three crops using SVM training , The three crops are cotton ,wheat and gram. Now to get more accuracy I want to optimize the training data using genetic algorithm then I wish to train the optimized data using SVM train and then want the classification result . First want to compare the result with simple SVM algorithm , I am attaching the codes here please help me to correct that code so that i could get the better kappa coefficient .ore if u suggest some other parameters of comparison of two techniques . One more thing is please suggest me how to use kernels in SVMtrain instruction ..!

Best Answer

The following section in the documentation shows how you can use cross validation to tune your svm parameters using optimization:
Go through the examples and how-to's in this link, that should answer most of your questions: