MATLAB: I am getting this error below, i do not understand how to fix it.


Error using griddata (line 85)
Input coordinates cannot be complex.
Error in get_cl (line 50) (scroll to bottom, you will find this)
cl = griddata(alpha_list(:), Ma_list(:), cl_matrix, alpha, Ma);
Error in Lift_Drag (line 3)
cl = get_cl(h, v, alpha);
Error in myeqn (line 18)
[L, D] = Lift_Drag(h, alpha, v, rho);
Error in odearguments (line 90)
f0 = feval(ode,t0,y0,args{:}); % ODE15I sets args{1} to yp0.
Error in ode113 (line 115)
odearguments(FcnHandlesUsed, solver_name, ode, tspan, y0, options, varargin);
Error in run_myeqn (line 8)
[t,v] = ode113(@myeqn, t0:tend, v0,options);
I get this error from running, "run_myeqn"
%% first script - run_myeqn
v0=[-610.1, 6973.4, 6871e3, 0];
tend=2000; %if you try tend=620 for example i find an error.
[t,v] = ode113(@myeqn, t0:tend, v0,options);
r = v(:,3);
theta = v(:,4);
v_t = v(:,2);
v_r = v(:,1);
%Shuttle Orbit and Landing
polarplot(theta,r) ; hold on
th = linspace (0,2*pi,50);
r = 6371e3;
polarplot(th, r+zeros(size(th))) ; hold on
title('Shuttle Orbit and Landing');
%%second script - myeqn
function dv = myeqn(t, x)
alpha = 0; % starting AoA
%State vector, intial conditions deifined in run_myeqn
theta=x(4); %starting theta angle
r=x(3); %starting postion above earth
v_t=x(2); % tanget velocity
v_r=x(1); % radial velocity
gamma = tan(x(1)./x(2));
v=sqrt(v_t^2+v_r^2); % velocity vector
mu_e = 3.986e14;
h = r-Re;
[T, P, rho] = standard_atm(h);
[L, D] = Lift_Drag(h, alpha, v, rho);
dv_r = (-(mu_e)/(r^2)) + ((v_t^2)/r) + ((1/m)*(-D*sin(gamma)+L*cos(gamma))); % radial accel equation
dv_t= -((v_r*v_t)/r) + 1/m*(-D*cos(gamma) - L*sin(gamma)); % tangent accel equation
dr = v_r;
dtheta = v_t/r;
dv=[dv_r dv_t dr dtheta]';
%%script which is giving error
function cl = get_cl(h, v, alpha)
h -- altitude (m)
v -- velocity (m/s)
alpha -- angle of attack (rad)
cl -- Interpolated coefficient of lift
% Computation of Mach number
R=287.058; % J/(kg*K)
[T, P, rho] = standard_atm(h); % atmospheric parameters, including T temperature
c=(k*R*T)^(1/2); % speed of sound, m/s
% You can load in a text file, or copy & paste the data as a matrix in here
clfile = [-4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22.5 25 30 35 40;...
0.3 -0.0982 -0.0222 0.0539 0.1299 0.2059 0.2854 0.3719 0.4649 0.564 0.6691 0.7787 0.8905 1.0336 1.1843 1.4933 1.8025 2.1016;...
0.6 -0.0971 -0.0209 0.0552 0.1313 0.2074 0.287 0.3735 0.4666 0.5658 0.6708 0.7803 0.8928 1.0366 1.188 1.4993 1.8119 2.1143;...
0.9 -0.0922 -0.017 0.0582 0.1333 0.2085 0.2872 0.3729 0.4652 0.5638 0.6684 0.7779 0.8912 1.0367 1.1898 1.5058 1.825 2.1465;...
1.2 -0.0711 -0.0093 0.0504 0.114 0.1856 0.2566 0.3014 0.3403 0.3787 0.4177 0.4578 0.4943 0.5351 0.5746 0.6437 0.693 0.7352;...
1.5 -0.0715 -0.024 0.0219 0.0698 0.1226 0.1773 0.2318 0.2835 0.3332 0.3779 0.4178 0.4541 0.4981 0.5413 0.6178 0.6712 0.7166;...
2 -0.0618 -0.0217 0.0176 0.0581 0.1016 0.1463 0.191 0.2368 0.282 0.3235 0.3619 0.3976 0.4411 0.4841 0.5616 0.6193 0.6702;...
3 -0.0549 -0.0201 0.014 0.0496 0.0864 0.1244 0.1627 0.2018 0.2408 0.2784 0.3148 0.3498 0.3928 0.4357 0.5141 0.575 0.6299;...
5 -0.0498 -0.0192 0.0116 0.0432 0.0761 0.1096 0.1435 0.1777 0.212 0.2466 0.2816 0.316 0.3584 0.4009 0.4793 0.5418 0.5984;...
7.5 -0.0471 -0.0187 0.0104 0.0403 0.0712 0.1026 0.135 0.1683 0.2017 0.2358 0.2706 0.3047 0.3469 0.3892 0.4677 0.5308 0.5883;...
10 -0.0457 -0.0185 0.0098 0.039 0.0686 0.0994 0.1314 0.1645 0.1981 0.2322 0.267 0.3011 0.3433 0.3856 0.4641 0.5273 0.5848;...
15 -0.0448 -0.0184 0.0092 0.0379 0.0666 0.0973 0.1293 0.1623 0.1958 0.2298 0.2644 0.2984 0.3405 0.3829 0.4615 0.5248 0.5825;...
20 -0.0441 -0.0183 0.0087 0.037 0.0651 0.0956 0.1279 0.1608 0.1941 0.2278 0.2622 0.2961 0.3383 0.3806 0.4593 0.5228 0.5807;...
40 -0.0441 -0.0183 0.0087 0.037 0.0651 0.0956 0.1279 0.1608 0.1941 0.2278 0.2622 0.2961 0.3383 0.3806 0.4593 0.5228 0.5807];
% the list of alpha (angle of attack) values are in the first row
% convert from deg -> rad
alpha_list = clfile(1,2:end).*(pi/180);
% the list of Mach values are in the first column, in both cases, you need to skip
% the first entry (NaN)
Ma_list = clfile(2:end,1);
cl_matrix = clfile(2:end, 2:end);
% look up griddata in the help file of matlab to learn how it works
cl = griddata(alpha_list(:), Ma_list(:), cl_matrix, alpha, Ma);

Best Answer

Your starting altitude works out to 500 km. Your pressure tables only extend to 86 km. A temperature of about -620 is predicted. Then in
with k and R being positive and T being negative, k*R*T is negative, and square root of that is complex valued.
You cannot go much past 85 km to avoid this problem.
Also you have
P=interp1(satm(:,1),satm(:,6), k,'makima');
rho=interp1(satm(:,1),satm(:,6), k,'makima');
Notice that the right hand sides are the same, so P and rho will be the same. To be consistent with the comments, you should be using column 7 for rho not column 6.