MATLAB: I am doing matlab code for automatic licence plate recognition but error for compression and decompression is coming while using aviread .. can you please suggest me how to use mmreader for the code and one more is how to load tamplates in the code

chandanaImage Processing Toolboxlicense platelprvideo processingWavelet Toolbox

% A Flexible Method for Recognizing Four-Digit Numbers on A License-Plate in A Video Scene % clear Command window clc clear all close all %load templates; %global templates; % Browse the Video from file [filename, pathname] = uigetfile('*.avi', 'Pick a video');
% Video to Frame Convertion file=aviinfo(filename); filename= (filename); % to get inforamtaion abt video file frm_cnt = file.NumFrames; % No.of frames in the video file
h = waitbar(0,'Please wait…'); font = '.bmp'; for i=1:frm_cnt frm(i) = mmreader(filename,i); % read the Video file RGBimg = frame2im(frm(i)); % Convert Frame to image file strNmae = num2str(i); writeName = strcat(strNmae,font);
% imwrite(RGBimg,writeName);
%figure(1), imshow(RGBimg); % Color Image
grayImg = rgb2gray(RGBimg); %convert gray
% figure(2), imshow(grayImg);
% median filter is applied for smoothing and unwanted noise removal
grayImg = medfilt2(grayImg,[3 3]);
% dynamic thresholding is appiled
grayImg = adapthisteq(grayImg);
% figure(3), imshow(grayImg);
% discret wavelet transform is applied for enhance the edge
[LL LH HL HH] = dwt2(grayImg, 'haar');
imgDWT = [LL,LH;HL,HH];
% figure(4), imshow(imgDWT,[]);
% find LH edge
edgeImg = HL > 10;
% figure(5), imshow(edgeImg,[]);
hei = edge(edgeImg,'sobel',0.11,'horizontal');
vei = edge(edgeImg,'sobel',0.11,'vertical');
vei2 = edge(edgeImg,'sobel',0.11,'vertical');
vei = rot90(vei);
horizontalProjection = sum(vei);
verticalProjection = sum(hei);
maxIndexValue= find(horizontalProjection == max(horizontalProjection), 1, 'last' );
top = maxIndexValue;tip = maxIndexValue;
threshold = max(horizontalProjection)*k;
s = std(horizontalProjection);
top = top-1;
tip = tip+1;
band = grayImg(top*2:tip*2,:);
cannyBand = ~im2bw(band,0.5);
msk=[0 1 1 1 0;
0 1 1 1 0;
0 1 1 1 0;];
CC = bwconncomp(cannyBand);
imgComp = imcomplement(cannyBand);
label = bwlabel(imgComp);
area = regionprops(label, 'Area');
for no = 1:size(area,1)
if (area(no,1).Area > 2000)
loclabel = find(label == no);
label(loclabel) = 0;
verticalBrightnessProjection = mean(band);
rgbBand = RGBimg(top*1.5:tip*2,:,:);
figure(7), imshow(rgbBand);
out = recognitionLetter(rgbBand);

Best Answer

Try VideoReader(). If it's indeo5 encoding and you're on Windows 7, you're out of luck.