MATLAB: I am confused with RBF kernal based ANN classification. when i implemented, all images are missclasified.. T is class label , P is training image feature , P1 is testing image feature…Can any one correct the code please,…​……….​……….​

Deep Learning Toolbox

%%%%%%%% RBF training %%%%%%%%%%%
Tc=[1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ];
%%%%% test data %%%%%%%%
P1= FF1;
Y= sim(net,P1);
ANNresult = vec2ind(Y);

Best Answer

P and FF1 are undefined
>> net = newrbe(P,T,SPREAD);
Undefined function or variable 'P'.
>> P1= FF1;
Undefined function or variable 'FF1'.
Hope this helps.
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