MATLAB: I adapt neural network instead of train. Any one knows how I can see which stopping criteria causes to stop the network ? (nntraintool command does not work!)

adapt bugsneural networkstraining

When I use the example of the ANN toolbox with training the network in the matlab, I am able to see number of the Epoch, Time, Performance, Gradient, Mu, and Validation checks with "nntraintool" command and I can figure out which one stops the network. But when I change train to adapt,"nntraintool" does not work and I do not how I can see Epoch, Time, Performance, Gradient, Mu, and Validation checks and the one that stops the network. I was wondering if some one know it?

Best Answer

If you use the command
[ net tr Y E Xf Af ] = train(net, x, t, Xi, Ai, EW);
tr = tr
yields training information on over 30 quantities.
tr.stop yields the stopping criterion.
However, if you use
[ net Y E Xf Af tr] = adapt(net, x, t, Xi, Ai);
tr = tr
only yields the training records of epoch and perf.
Don't expect more info than that using the GUI.
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P.S. Details obtained using help, doc and type on train and adapt