MATLAB: Hyperthreading question


Hi there, I have matlab running on a Quad core I7 processor which has 8 threads. I did a loop of a function test changing the number of labs. These are my results in seconds:
matlabpool 12 21.61s
matlabpool 10 21.96s
matlabpool 8 22.27s
matlabpool 6 23.29s
matlabpool 4 25.54s
I tested it on another loop with another function and also found that using 12 labs is the fastest? How comes this is happening if I only have 8 threads available and 4 cores?
I look forward to a reply.

Best Answer

There are several reasons why different numbers of workers can behave differently. In some situations, even if each PARFOR loop iterate takes quite a long time, it can be quicker to run fewer workers than you have cores available; other times, it can be quicker to run more workers than you have cores. This is because of the various resource contentions that your code encounters.
If your algorithm is memory bound - i.e. the main contention is for access to RAM (for example, adding together two large matrices - the amount of computation is trivial compared to the time it takes to get the data into the CPU), then you often find that fewer workers perform better.
If your algorithm is compute bound - i.e. not much memory access compared to the compuational complexity, then more workers (up to the number of physical cores) works better.
It's possible in some cases that if your algorithm is bounded by some sort of latency elsewhere, that running more workers than you have cores works best.