MATLAB: Human voice frequency between 200h to 3200h

bandpass filterfrequency

i konw that the human voice frequency between 200 to 3200 H and i record wave file ,how can i filter this wave ile so only human voice (frequency between 200 to 3200) will stay in the wave file
for record i use
Fs = 8000;
y = wavrecord(10*Fs, Fs, 'double');

Best Answer

Let's say the passband is between 200 and 3200 Hz and the stop band is 100 and 3300 Hz, you can use a Butterworth filter
Ws = [100 3300]/(Fs/2);
Wp = [200 3200]/(Fs/2);
[N,Wn] = buttord(Wp,Ws,0.1,30);
[b,a] = butter(N,Wn);
If you want more options to design your filter, try fdatool
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