MATLAB: Human motion tracking pixel coordinates

MATLABtrackingvideo processing

I am looking for a very simple already implemented available code for human motion tracking in matlab only( without any C code since mex compiler does not work). The reason for me not going into the Kanade algorithm and developing it myself is because I only need the output data that is the path traced in terms of x,y coordinates with respect to time and video human tracking is not the main area of research. I am more concerned with information processing and extraction.I searched and found but it does not do so. It gives error
>> run
input video
??? Error using ==> aviread at 73
Unable to locate decompressor Indeo5 to decompress video stream.
See Mathworks Technical Solution 1-4G50QZ for more info.
I changed aviread to mmreader,but it does not take as input any other video file!
Error in ==> run at 5
avi = aviread('samplevideo.avi');
Please help if anyone has knowledge of such a tool available.Thank you.

Best Answer

Are you running a 32 bit or 64 bit version of MATLAB? The Indeo codecs are not supported in the 64 bit version (that is, 64 bit versions of the codecs are not available at all.)
If you running Windows 7 and using 32 bit MATLAB then it is possible to install the Indeo codecs.