MATLAB: Huge Execution Time Discrepancy with line() Command


The following code takes no more than 4 seconds to execute:
set(gcf,'Position',get(0,'ScreenSize').*[1 1 0.5 1]);
titlestr = [test ' - Statistics - ' num2str(rpmval) 'RPM - ' samplestr ' - ' upper(sensor)];
hold on;
% line([1:length(detdata)],avg_env_sample(var),'Color','r');
% line([1:length(detdata)],avg_env(var),'Color','g');
hold off;
% legend('Detrended Data','Envelope','Envelope Mean');
title([titlestr ' - ' varname]);
xlabel('Sample [n]');
ylabel([varname ' [g]']);
With the commented code uncommented, execution time goes up to two minutes. Similar code is executed 3 other times (without the line commands) without a problem.
Any suggestions?

Best Answer

Are you expecting each call to 'line' to draw 15999 lines or just one line? If it is the latter, try this instead:
line([1 length(detdata)],avg_env_sample(var),'Color','r');
line([1 length(detdata)],avg_env(var),'Color','g');