MATLAB: Html and uitable formatting with several features at the same time

html customisationMATLABuitable

Is ther a particular order to use html tag (in uitable for example)?
I am able to center to change backgroud to change font size individually but not all at the same time
For exemple I set a column name uitable using
'<html><tr><td font size=20 align=center width=9999 bgcolor="red"> my test'
all is right except font size does not change!
Any idea.
Lastly is there is a way to do the same thing witgh row name.
Many users obtains very strange results and me too (the same)
I have received a link to download matlab r2019b. Is there some progress about tuning uitable within standard figure.
Using uifigure is always to much limited compared with the traditionnal approach.
Thanks a lot

Best Answer

If you're talking about uitable within a uifigure, then it does not support html formatting. See
If you're talking about uitable within a figure (old style java-based), then you can use html formatting although this is undocumented.
As for R2019b, one condition of downloading the pre-release is that you can't talk about it. Once downloaded you can look at the release notes to see what improvements have been made. There are several with App Designer.