MATLAB: Howto organize an array into groups of n-Elements

circshiftgroup togetherMATLABreshapereshape vector to matrix

Let's say I have a Vector of length 100
x = 1:100
and want to reshape that Vector into a 5×20 Matrix. 20 Columns with 5 Elements per Column.
a = reshape (x,5,20)
There are, then, 4 Variations of this. Starting at the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th Element.
I can group Elements 1-5 into the 1st Column, Elements 6-10 into the 2nd Column, etc.
circshift (x, -1)
b = reshape (x,5,20)
But I can also group Elements 2-6 into the 1st, 7-11 into the next, etc. The last column containing the 4 last Elements of the Vector, plus the first.
circshift (x, -2)
c = reshape (x,5,20)
I can also group Elements 3-7, 8-12, last column containing the 3 last Elements and the first 2.
circshift (x, -3)
d = reshape (x,5,20)
Then lastly 4-8, 9-13 etc.
circshift (x, -4)
e = reshape (x,5,20)
As the Order of the Columns (or Order of the Elements in the Columns) doesn't matter, circshift (x, +-5) has the same information than the original Vector x.
Is there a more Elegant Solution than circshift-ing the Vector (x) 4 times separately, and reshaping it into a matrix 4 times separately? Some function which produces from this Vector x the 4 Matrices a, b, c & d ?
I can't think of a proper title for this question, which really bugs me. Feel free to offer a suggestion.

Best Answer

Another way:
x = 1:100;
a = reshape (x,5,20);
aa = [a;a];
v = cell(1,5);
for k=1:5
v{k} = aa(k:k+4,:);
Then the v{k} are your variables.
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