MATLAB: Howto arrange panels in desktop


For a long time I have used my own desktop layout. I'll created it by modifying the default layout. Now I cannot figure out how to do this modification. I try to describe the layout as an array of panes. See When you start MATLABĀ®, the desktop appears in its default layout. This default layout is an 2×3 array of panes where
  • Current Folder panel uses the panes [1:2,1]
  • Command Window panel uses the panes [1:2,2]
  • Workspace panel uses the pane [3,1]
  • Command History panel uses the pane [3,2]
The widths of the Workspace panel and the Command History are locked to each other; these two panels have identical widths.
My layout in R2012a and previous releases is
  • Current Folder panel uses the panes [1:2,1]
  • Editor panel uses the pane [1,2]
  • Command Window panel uses the pane [2,2]
  • Workspace panel uses the pane [3,1]
  • Command History panel uses the pane [3,2]
The heights of the Editor panel and Workspace panel are locked to each other; the there two panels have identical heights
In a different place width R2012b I failed to create "my layout". Now, I failed to do it on my own R2012a. Starting from the default layout it is easy enough to add the editor panel in position [1,2]. I drag and drop, dock and undock, search the documentation and finally asks here.
How to change from
  • width of [1,2] locked to width of [2,2] to
  • height of [1,2] locked to height of [1,3]
The reason is that I want
  • a wide Editor panel with the file name bar at the right.
  • a wide Command History panel, [2,3], because I use it for my own tools as well.
Now I've got it:
I've read the help-topic, "Open and Rearrange Desktop Tools and Documents", once more. This help-topic is vague regarding the importance of the position of the mouse pointer when dropping (drag&drop).
To split a panel in two the "dragged" panel should be dropped at the top, right, bottom and left edge of the existing panel. Avoid dragging over the title bar of the existing panel. Matlab might think you want a tabbed panel.
To make a tabbed panel the "dragged" panel should be dropped on the title bar of the existing panel.
To achieve locked widths (see above) the "dragged" panels should be dropped at to bottom of the existing ones. Dropping at the left gives locked heights.
And do not move the pointer as fast as I do with my track ball! Simple as that!(

Best Answer

After adding editor panel in position [1,2], drag workspace panel and drop it in right half of editor panel:
then do this for command history(drag command history panel and drop it in right half of command window)