MATLAB: How you can make a GUI aplication with functions interpn and ndgrid

matlab gui

Study interpn and ndgrid features a GUI application built for syntax:
VI = interpn (X1, X2, X3, V, Y1, Y2, Y3, method)
[X1, X2, X3] = ndgrid (x1, x2, x3)
AR cere is the graphical interface to find:
  • For Reading Objects graphical input arguments,
  • 2 Radio Button Choice desired Service
  • 1 pop-up menu choice of method (linear pchip, etc.)
  • 2 shaft tip Items for drawing graphs of functions. EACH WILL be a Civil Service, graphical object drawing to own. Drawing is a button to activate vo draw on spindle function.

Best Answer

Just create a GUI interface and have the calls to interpn and ndgrid at the appropriate places in the code. interpn and ndgrid do not care whether they are called from code in a GUI callback or called from code invoked from the command line.
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