MATLAB: How use filter from filter designer

filter designerMATLABSignal Processing Toolbox

Dumb question here.
I created a bandpass filter in Filter Designer by generating the matlab code and stored the filter.
Now, how do I actually use it to process my signal. Below is the code generated.
% All frequency values are in Hz.
Fs = 5000; % Sampling Frequency
Fstop1 = 2; % First Stopband Frequency
Fpass1 = 5; % First Passband Frequency
Fpass2 = 1000; % Second Passband Frequency
Fstop2 = 1200; % Second Stopband Frequency
Astop1 = 30; % First Stopband Attenuation (dB)
Apass = 1; % Passband Ripple (dB)
Astop2 = 30; % Second Stopband Attenuation (dB)
match = 'passband'; % Band to match exactly
% Construct an FDESIGN object and call its BUTTER method.
h = fdesign.bandpass(Fstop1, Fpass1, Fpass2, Fstop2, Astop1, Apass, …
Astop2, Fs);
Hd = design(h, 'butter', 'MatchExactly', match);

Best Answer

y = filter(Hd,x);
x is the signal that you want to filter.