MATLAB: How tontegrate a vector

audio fileintegratetime calculatewaveread

I have an audio file that gives me a long vector when I read it.I am asked to integrate the response over a specific time. My approach is to calculate time 'x' at which the vector reaches its 'ith'element. and then I will integrate it over the time. Can anyone guide

Best Answer

To integrate a vector, use the trapz (link) or cumtrapz (link) function, depending on the result you want.
You probably need to calculate a time vector as well. Since audio files are column-major matrices (each column is a different channel), this will work to calcualte the time vector, with ‘y’ being your sound file, and ‘Fs’ your sampling frequency:
tv = linspace(0, size(y,1), size(y,1))'/Fs;