MATLAB: How to write this logic in MATLAB..

mathematicsMATLABmatrix manipulation

Hi , I have a column vector of size 1×10 for eg x=[1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10] i want to perform the addition of first element with the second then second with the third element and so on ( such that new_x=[1;1+2;2+3;3+4;4+5;5+6;6+7;7+8;8+9;9+10]or [first element; first element+second element;second element+third element;….]) i want to know how to write this logic in matlab,i want to do the operation for the vector of size 50010X1

Best Answer

new_x = x + [0;x(1:end-1)];