MATLAB: How to write text on a JPG and save it without displaying (R2010b)

.jpgComputer Vision Toolboxsavewrite text

I have an image (jpg) and I want to add text in it without showing anything on the screen. I followed this link (the first part, with the "tmask" stuff) but it pop up the text. I'm on Matlab 2010b so the function inserText is not available.
Thanks, Valentin

Best Answer

I don't know of any other way to do it without displaying the image.
If you can tolerate displaying it, you can use export_fig() by Yair Altman in the File Exchange. Use text() to put your text and any other graphics in the overlay, then use export_fig() to save it to a file.
Is getting a more modern version with that toolbox completely out of the question?
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