MATLAB: How to write program to choose random numbers from given input set

random number generator

i want to write two programs —-
a program that can randomly choose number T1 from [5, 10, 15] and if
if it choose T1=5, then it should give T2= 6
if it choose T1=10, then it should give T2= 11
if it choose T1=15, then it should give T2= 16
So, T2 is addition of 1 to T1
second program—–
if i have set of values P=(1,2,3,……10)
how to pick randomly P1 and P2 from above set such that P1 and P2 are not same.

Best Answer

Seems like homework.
My code:
X = 5:5:15;
T1 = X(randi(3));
T2 = T1+1;
P1 = X(randi(3));
P2 = setdiff(X,P1);
P2 = P2(randi(2));
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