MATLAB: How to write MATRIX

matrix array

When the programme run I must abtain below
matrix(1,2)=1; matrix(2,1)=1; matrix(1,3)=1; matrix(3,1)=1; matrix(2,3)=1; matrix(3,2)=1;
What can I write instead of question tag in the below matlab programme to obtain matrix(1,2)=1; matrix(2,1)=1; matrix(1,3)=1; matrix(3,1)=1; matrix(2,3)=1; matrix(3,2)=1; ?
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% clc matrix=zeros(10,10); for i=1:? matrix(?,?) = 1; matrix(?,?) = 1; end

Best Answer

I am not sure to have understood your question but you should try:
M =1-eye(10);
By the way: avoid loops in Matlab ;-) Hope it helps,